At Southwest Pest Fumigation, we make use of time tested methods to prevent your home getting affected by woodworm. If precautionary measures are not taken quickly, an infestation can easily spread. Due to this, careful inspection of the infected area should be carried out by an expert. You can rely on us to conduct in-depth checks to assess the situation and come up with a treatment plan that is most effective. For more details, why not give us a call today?
Woodworm treatment and fumigation in the South West
Removal woodworm in the South West of England
In severe cases wood boring beetle can cause structural damage to your home. This often leads to many of the timbers needing to be replaced.
Woodworm is a collective name for the many types of wood boring beetles in the UK, and it is the larvae that does the damage to the inside of the timbers by eating its way through the wood for anything up to 5 years before boring out and becoming an adult, and then after the adult has mated and laid its eggs the whole process starts again. The holes you see in wood are the final stage of the process and if you see these holes it is advisable to get an expert to look at it.
We do many treatments for mortgage companies who wish to protect their investment when the surveyor indicates woodworm activity in their report.If you are worried about possible woodworm activity in your property it is advisable to get the opinion of an expert. Most woodworm activity is seen in the loft of a property as the conditions are favourable and there is an abundance of timber.
We issue a dated signed certificate with all our woodworm treatments

Woodworm treatment in the South West
Once we have assessed the scale of damage, we can recommend the best treatment method. Using insecticides that can be sprayed or brush applied is one of the most commonly practiced treatment methods.

Woodworm removal South West
If you are selling or buying a property and the survey has indicated a wood boring insect issue this will often delay proceedings and cost you money. We offer a quick effective service that comes with a treatment certificate enabling the selling/buying process to proceed without any more delay.